Calling all artists, arts organizations, and venues… join ARTmageddon!


Are you planning an arts event for Carmageddon weekend? Thinking of holding one? Already have something running or on view September 29 and/or 30?


Very soon the media, city officials, metro, and pretty much everyone else in Los Angeles will all be talking about one thing: Carmageddon II. Let’s unite in response and offer Los Angeles residents an alternative view of what to do on Saturday, September 29 and Sunday, September 30… ARTMAGEDDON.


Running parallel to Carmageddon II, this two-day citywide celebration of the arts encourages Angelenos to stay out of their cars and, instead, walk-bike-metro to their local galleries, theaters, music venues, museums and more. Via, we are telling your neighbors to experience your art.


Already, we have the support Metro, the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs, ForYourArt, LA Stage Alliance, and a growing consortium of community partners; but what we really need now is you. Please contact Camille Schenkkan and Lyn Cowan, artist & organization liaisons, at to join this collaborative effort. Participation is free and open to all.


Together we can get everyone talking about “ARTmageddon weekend,” and exploring the great exhibitions, screenings, performances and concerts happening in their neighborhoods. Most recently, the Los Angeles Times joined our effort running this feature about ARTmageddon:,0,3280602.story


With Carmageddon II only three weeks aways, we hope you’ll get involved and join ARTmageddon today.


- The ARTmageddon Team